Dear Friend or Friend to be,
So how was everyone's week? Did you have a nice 4th of July weekend? Mine was nice, had a HUGE party on the 3rd and then took the 4th to recover. And I wish I had cleaned up sooner because the heat wave we had made being outdoors icky.. But then again it is the Dog Days of Summer now so we can expect this now. Do you like the heat or do you stay inside with the AC as much as possible when the temp goes above 90?
With Love and in the Light, Cassie
PS check out the end of this newsletter for 15 Great things to do in NJ this Summer
Good Articles:
Lemonade to treat Depression
Why we are Growing Metabolically Inefficient
Natural ways to Soothe a Sunburn
Upcoming Events:
Fri 7/8 Tusk Concert Seaside Heights
Sat 7/9 Freehold Township Day
Sat 7/9 Beach Drum and Dance
Sat 7/9 Comedy Show @ Jackie Keelen's
Sat 7/9 Salsa Night Sizzle
Sun 7/10 Knights of Columbus Breakfast
Sun 7/10 Biking/Walking & Dinner - Sandy Hook
Sun 7/10 Gypsy Live @ NJ State Fair
Sun 7/10 Rooftop Beach Party
Mon 7/11 Monday Night Bowling
Tue 7/12 $5.50 Movie Night- Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates
Tue 7/12 Hall and Oats @ PNC
Wed 7/13 Karaoke @ Mulberry Street
Wed 7/13 Sandcastle Contest
Thu 7/14 Keyport Summer Concert
Fri 7/15 Plays in the Park - Sister Act
Sat 7/16 Princeton Dance Party w/Hustle Instruction
July 16&17 Surf and Turf Festival
Sat 7/16 Walking and Talking - Laurence Harbour
Sat 7/16 Movie in the Park - Union Beach
Sun 7/17 Walking and Talking - Union Beach
Sun 7/17 Benifit CornHole Tournament/Gift Auction/BBQ
Sun 7/17 Egyptian Fire and Water Ceremony
Mon 7/18 Monday Night Bowling
Wed 7/20 Sandy Hook Concert - Soul Cruisers
Wed 7/20 Pizza and Drinks
Thu 7/21 Keyport Summer Concert
7/22- 8/26 Free Movies in Howell
Sat 7/23 Free Dog and Cat Adoption
Sat 7/23 Cafe Improv Variety Show
Sat 7/23 Asbury Park Blue's and Brews Festival
Sat 7/23 Sourland Music Festival
Thu 7/28 Keyport Summer Concert
7/27-29 Monmouth County Fair
July 29-31 Balloon Festival
Sat 7/30 Bayonne Renaissance Festival
Sat 7/30 Harry Potter Release Party
Thr 8/4 Gypsy, a Stevie Nicks Experience Middlesex Fair
Thu 8/4 Keyport Summer Concert
Sat 8/6 Hands of Change Picnic
Thu 8/18 Keyport Summer Concert
8/20, 21 Full Moon Music Festiaval - Governers Island
Thu 8/25 Keyport Summer Concert
Sat 8/27 Surf Music Festival
Sat 8/27 Asbury Park Promenade of Mermaids
Sat 8/27 Cafe Improv Variety Show
Sat 8/27 Jersey Shore Jazz and Blues Festival
Thu 9/1 Keyport Summer Concert
Sat 9/17 Late Summer Flea Market
Sat 12/17 Seaside Heights Santacon

Are you interested in advertising for your event or business? Would you like to reach over 15,000 local peeps for as little as $35?
e-me for details at: I take pay pal!
Mowing-Pruning-Weeding and much more!
call or text The Yard Guy today! Jeremy 908-303-7579

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