Dear Friend or Friend to be,
So how was everyone's week? Mine was good, I am feeling better now the that high heat and humidity has improved. I really get sick when its like that and can't find any other way to deal with it than to rest in the AC. I know a lot of my friends head to the beach, which I need to do more of, I actually go to the beach less now that I moved here... LOL What about you? How do you handle the heat/humidity?
With Love and in the Light, Cassie
PS check out the end of this newsletter for a guide to FREE beaches in NJ
Good Articles:
Conquer Hard to Clean things in Your Home
Beginner Yoga Poses for Back and Belly Fat
How to Make a Solar Oven
Upcoming Events:
Fri 7/15 Plays in the Park - Sister Act
Fri 7/15 Movie Night - Ghostbusters
Fri 7/15 WTF @ Jakeabob's
Sat 7/16 Westin Princeton Dance with Hustle Lesson
July 16&17 Surf and Turf Festival
Sat 7/16 Walking and Talking - Laurence Harbour
Sat 7/16 Movie in the Park - Union Beach
Sun 7/17 Walking and Talking - Union Beach
Sun 7/17 Benifit CornHole Tournament/Gift Auction/BBQ
Sun 7/17 Egyptian Fire and Water Ceremony
Mon 7/18 Monday Night Bowling
Tue 7/19 $5.50 Movie Night - The Secret Life of Pets
Wed 7/20 Sandy Hook Concert - Soul Cruisers
Wed 7/20 Pizza and Drinks
Wed 7/20 Karaoke @ Mulberry Street
Thu 7/21 Keyport Summer Concert
7/22- 8/26 Free Movies in Howell
Sat 7/23 Free Dog and Cat Adoption
Sat 7/23 Cafe Improv Variety Show
Sat 7/23 Asbury Park Blue's and Brews Festival
Sat 7/23 Sourland Music Festival
Thu 7/28 Keyport Summer Concert
7/27-29 Monmouth County Fair
July 29-31 Balloon Festival
Sat 7/30 Bayonne Renaissance Festival
Sat 7/30 Harry Potter Release Party
Thr 8/4 Gypsy, a Stevie Nicks Experience Middlesex Fair
Thu 8/4 Keyport Summer Concert
Sat 8/6 Hands of Change Picnic
Sat 8/13 Salt Water Day
Thu 8/18 Keyport Summer Concert
8/20, 21 Full Moon Music Festiaval - Governers Island
Thu 8/25 Keyport Summer Concert
Sat 8/27 Surf Music Festival
Sat 8/27 Asbury Park Promenade of Mermaids
Sat 8/27 Cafe Improv Variety Show
Sat 8/27 Jersey Shore Jazz and Blues Festival
Thu 9/1 Keyport Summer Concert
Sat 9/17 Late Summer Flea Market
Sat 12/17 Seaside Heights Santacon

Are you interested in advertising for your event or business? Would you like to reach over 15,000 local peeps for as little as $35?
e-me for details at: I take pay pal!
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Free Beaches in NJ
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