Dear Friend or Friend to be,
So how was everyone's week? I am getting into vacation mode, going to Colorado to see my older boy next week He just bought a house so looking forward to seeint it and helping him with it. ( I think I will skip the newsletter rather than try and cram one in before I go). It's been a very long time since I actually took a vacation, most of mine are stay-cations, not that I mind that I do love where I live and can always find things to do. What about you? Vacation or stay-cation this year? What are you doing?
With Love and in the Light, Cassie
*update* Just found out I am going to have a rather long vacation as my temp job is ending tomorrow. So am looking again, any recruiters out there can find my resume on Linked in:
PS check out the end of this newsletter for 25 Best things to do in NJ
Good Articles:
Cell Phone Charging Best Practices
Simple Life Hacks
Ways to Fix a Slow Metabolism
Upcoming Events:
July 29-31 Balloon Festival
Jul 29-31 Red Bank Sidewalk Sales
Fri 7/29 Pokeemon Night @ waterfront
Sat 7/30 Bike Train in the Poconos
Sat 7/30 Bayonne Renaissance Festival
Sat 7/30 Harry Potter Release Party
Sat 7/30 Roar to the Shore Car Cruise
Sun 7/31 Festival of Balloning w/Steppenwolf & FogHat
Tue 8/2 $5,50 Movie Night - Bad Moms
Thr 8/4 Gypsy, a Stevie Nicks Experience Middlesex Fair
Thu 8/4 Keyport Summer Concert
8/4-7 Clam Festival- Highlands
Fri 8/5 Free Concert Keansburg
Sat 8/6 Hands of Change Picnic
Sat 8/6 Fort Hancock Bike Tour
Wed 8/10 Sunset Seining
Sat 8/13 Governor' Island Picnic and Jazz
Sat 8/13 Keyport Fireman's Fair
Sat 8/13 Salt Water Day
Sat 8/13 Atlantic City Comedy Club Night
Sun 8/14 Somerset Patriots Tricky Tray
Wed 8/17 Woodbridge Cruise Night
Thu 8/18 Keyport Summer Concert
8/20, 21 Full Moon Music Festiaval - Governers Island
Thu 8/25 Keyport Summer Concert
Fri 8/26 Free Outdoor Movie- Jaws
Sat 8/27 Surf Music Festival
Sat 8/27 Asbury Park Promenade of Mermaids
Sat 8/27 Meetup to watch Mermaid Parade
Sat 8/27 Cafe Improv Variety Show
Sat 8/27 Jersey Shore Jazz and Blues Festival
Tue 8/30 Belmar Beach Music Festival
Sat 9/24 Matawan Day and Food Festival
Sep 30-Oct 2 Rock Carnival
Thu 9/1 Keyport Summer Concert
Sep 3/4 Bacon, Bikes,Brew Festival
Sat 9/17 Late Summer Flea Market
Sat 10/1 Keansburg Classic Car Show
Sat 12/17 Seaside Heights Santacon

Are you interested in advertising for your event or business? Would you like to reach over 15,000 local peeps for as little as $35?
e-me for details at: I take pay pal!
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