Dear Friends,
So have you noticed that the days are getting longer and the light stays with us longer? I know I am so happy about that. The ground hog saw his shadow so that means 6 more weeks of winter, but this one's been pretty mild so I think we can live with that don't you? Pretty soon it will be walking season again. I know some of you walk now but I am a wimp, the temperature has to be higher than my age for me to go out! LOL How about YOU? What are you looking forward to doing with the extra daylight?
With Love and in the Light, Cassie
Good Articles:
Scientific Facts About Smudging
Frozen Lemons for Diabetes and Weight Loss
Natural Remedy for Cough and Bronchitis
Dangerous Prescription Drugs and Healthy Alternatives
Upcoming Events:
Fri 2/3 Winter Seal and Waterfowl Walk
Sat 2/4 Off Road and Truck Show
Sat 2/4 Volunteer Training for Comfort Zone Camp
Sat 2/4 ALS Foundation Gift Auction
Sun 2/5 Lunar New Year Parade and Festival
Tue 2/7 $5.50 Movie Night - Split
Thu 2/9 Group Reiki- Keyport or Remote
Feb 10 - 12 Edison Super Pet Expo
Sat 2/11 50% off all Housewares @ St Mark's Thrift Shop
Sat 2/11 Central Park Ice Festival
Sat 2/11 Dueling Piano's in NYC $5 off
Sat 2/12 Valentine'sDay Psycic Fair
Sat 3/4 Women International Day Gala
Sun 3/5 St Patricks Day Parade
Sun 3/5 Belmar St Patricks Day Parade
Sun 3/12 Shamrocks at the Shore
Sat 3/25 Keyport Saint Patricks Parade
Sat 3/25 The Ultimate Donna Summer Tribute
Sun 3/26 Keansburgh St Patricks Day Parade
Sun 4/2 Stevie Nicks
4/7-9 Philadelphia Comic Con
Sat 4/8 Comedy Night in Rahway
Sat 4/22 Park Clean Up Day
Sat 4/22 Car Show in Sea Brite
5/12-14 NJ Seafood Festival
Sat 5/20 Paint the Town Pink Walk
Sat 5/20 Bayshore Food Truck and Craft Beer Fest
6/3-4 Keyport Garden Walk
Mon 6/5 Mermaid Monday
Sun 6/4 Polish Heritage Festival
Wed 7/10 Sandcastle Contest
Sat 7/22 Foreigner and Cheap Trick
Sun 7/23 Chicago & Doobie Brothers
Sat 8/26 Promenade of Mermaids
Sat 9/16 Kruisin in Keansburg
10/7-8 Keansburg Centennial Celebration

Are you interested in advertising for your event or business? Would you like to reach over 15,000 local peeps for as little as $35?
e-me for details at: I take pay pal!
Shed Needed
If you or if you know of any one who has a big shed that they no longer want and would like to donate to Saint Marks CCR Center please contact Verena at 732-787-3520!! We are in need of a shed to be able to store donations we get. or if you are a business that wants to donate one ...we can give you a tax write off letter...Thank you.
Call and ask for an appointment with Jayne she did my hair and it came out amazing!
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