Dear Friend or Friend to be,
So how was everyone's week? I haven't been feeling 100% this week, not sure why but I am sure it will pass. Anyway, there seems to be quite a bit of talk about sharks lately, there is a big shark fishing tournament coming up this weekend, also its the 100 year anniversary the jersey shore shark attacks of 1916. I happen to live within a mile or so of Mattawan Creek but I don't have any fears of sharks being in there now. I won't go see that new shark movie coming out but I plan to see Jaws at the waterfront movie night in July. How about you do you have any fears of sharks?
With Love and in the Light, Cassie
PS check out the end of this newsletter for a link to food truck events in NJ
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Upcoming Events:
Jun 23-Jul10 State Fair Meadowlands
6/24-26 Shark Challenge
Sat 6/25 Yard Sale
Sat 6/25 South Amboy Citywide Yard Sale
6/25,7/7,7/23,8/2 , 8/20 Movies by the Bay- Keyport
Sat 6/25 Cafe Improv Variety Show
Sat 6/25 New York State of Mind
Sat 6/25 Moroccan Sheephearder's Seastreak Beach
6/25-26 Wine & Chocolate Festival
Sun 6/26 Biking and Dinner Sandy Hook
Tue 6/28 $5.50 Movie Night - Central Intelligence
Wed 6/29 1916 Shark Attack Commemoration
Wed 6/29 Woodbridge Wed Nights
Jun 27- Jul 2 St Mary Fair
Fri 7/1 The Trend @ The Blue Rock
Fri 7/1 Matawan Fireworks
Sun 7/3 3rd of July BBQ & Fireworks
Sun 7/3 Movie on the Beach - Jaws
July 5-9th Atlantic Highlands Fireman's Fair
7/5 to 8/23 Free Movies in Red Bank
7/6 to 8/31 Free Movies in Spring Lake
7/7, 21, 8/4,18 Keyport Thusdays
Tue 7/5 Seaside Heights Camping on the Beach
Thu 7/7 Free Outdoor Movie - Jaws
Fri 7/8 Tusk Concert Seaside Heights
Sat 7/9 Freehold Township Day
Sat 7/9 Beach Drum and Dance
Sat 7/9 Comedy Show @ Jackie Keelen's
Sat 7/9 Salsa Night Sizzle
Tue 7/12 Hall and Oats @ PNC
Fri 7/15 Plays in the Park - Sister Act
7/9 - 8/28 Belmar Movies on the Beach
Sun 7/10 Gypsy Live @ NJ State Fair
Wed 7/13 Sandcastle Contest
Thu 7/14 Keyport Summer Concert
July 16&17 Surf and Turf Festival
Sun 7/17 Walking and Talking - Union Beach
Sun 7/17 Egyptian Fire and Water Ceremony
Wed 7/20 Sandy Hook Concert - Soul Cruisers
Wed 7/20 Pizza and Drinks
Thu 7/21 Keyport Summer Concert
7/22- 8/26 Free Movies in Howell
Sat 7/23 Cafe Improv Variety Show
Sat 7/23 Asbury Park Blue's and Brews Festival
Sat 7/23 Sourland Music Festival
Thu 7/28 Keyport Summer Concert
7/27-29 Monmouth County Fair
July 29-31 Balloon Festival
Sat 7/30 Bayonne Renaissance Festival
Sat 7/30 Harry Potter Release Party
Thr 8/4 Gypsy, a Stevie Nicks Experience Middlesex Fair
Thu 8/4 Keyport Summer Concert
Sat 8/6 Hands of Change Picnic
Thu 8/18 Keyport Summer Concert
Sun 8/21 Taste of the Bayshore
Thu 8/25 Keyport Summer Concert
Sat 8/27 Surf Music Festival
Sat 8/27 Asbury Park Promenade of Mermaids
Sat 8/27 Cafe Improv Variety Show
Sat 8/27 Jersey Shore Jazz and Blues Festival
Thu 9/1 Keyport Summer Concert
Sat 9/17 Late Summer Flea Market
Sat 12/17 Seaside Heights Santacon

Are you interested in advertising for your event or business? Would you like to reach over 15,000 local peeps for as little as $35?
e-me for details at: I take pay pal!
Got overgrowth? Call the Yard Guy he can make it all go and cheap!
908-303-7579 and like him on facebook for yard care tips:
The reason why I almost always recommend the Triplex combo to new customers is explained perfectly by Kim Wilson Pollock below.
I've experienced everything she describes firsthand due to taking Plexus Triplex. That is why I share these life changing products. It's made that much of a difference in terms of my quality of life.
Fellow Health Coach, Kim Wilson Pollock shares :
“It is my opinion that your health depends on three things that are offered in the Plexus TriPlex...
If your Blood Sugar is stable...
-Your energy will soar,
-Your hormones will stabilize,
-Your mood will improve and
-Your sleep will become more restful.
If your Gut is Healthy...
-Your Immune System will be strong,
-You will likely not feel anxious or sad,
-Your brain fog will disappear, and
-Your skin will glow.
If you Reduce Inflammation in the body...
-Your pain will go away
-Your body will not be stressed, and your body is armed to prevent illness.
Plexus has an amazingly easy system that will help stabilize your Blood Sugar, improve your Gut Health, and decrease Inflammation:
1)SLIM~Pink Drink
3)ProBio5 for your gut
No diets. No deprivation. Eat Healthy. Just a plant based PINK powder to mix with water in the morning and 2 supplements to take for your GUT~ Couldn’t be easier.”
#Plexuspoweredbyplants #guthealth #bloodsugarbalance#reduceinflammation #naturalenergy
order triplex here:
NJ Food Truck Events
The reason why I almost always recommend the Triplex combo to new customers is explained perfectly by Kim Wilson Pollock below.
I've experienced everything she describes firsthand due to taking Plexus Triplex. That is why I share these life changing products. It's made that much of a difference in terms of my quality of life.
Fellow Health Coach, Kim Wilson Pollock shares :
“It is my opinion that your health depends on three things that are offered in the Plexus TriPlex...
If your Blood Sugar is stable...
-Your energy will soar,
-Your hormones will stabilize,
-Your mood will improve and
-Your sleep will become more restful.
If your Gut is Healthy...
-Your Immune System will be strong,
-You will likely not feel anxious or sad,
-Your brain fog will disappear, and
-Your skin will glow.
If you Reduce Inflammation in the body...
-Your pain will go away
-Your body will not be stressed, and your body is armed to prevent illness.
Plexus has an amazingly easy system that will help stabilize your Blood Sugar, improve your Gut Health, and decrease Inflammation:
1)SLIM~Pink Drink
3)ProBio5 for your gut
No diets. No deprivation. Eat Healthy. Just a plant based PINK powder to mix with water in the morning and 2 supplements to take for your GUT~ Couldn’t be easier.”
#Plexuspoweredbyplants #guthealth #bloodsugarbalance#reduceinflammation #naturalenergy
order triplex here:
NJ Food Truck Events
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