Dear Friend or Friend to be,
So who's ready for the long weekend? I hope you have some wonderful plans or if not that you at least get out and find something fun to do. I am invited to a BBQ on the 2nd, am having one for meetup friends on the 3rd and on the 4th I am still deciding, maybe stay local and go to Keansburg to play some games and watch the fireworks....what about YOU?
With Love and in the Light, Cassie
PS check out the end of this newsletter for NJ Fireworks Guides
Good Articles:
Health Benefits of Eggs
Turmeric Lemonade for Depression
How to Hack Arcade Claw Machines
Upcoming Events:
Jul 1 & 2 St Mary Fair
Fri 7/1 The Trend @ The Blue Rock
Fri 7/1 Matawan Fireworks
Sat 7/2 WTF @ Jakebob's
Sun 7/3 3rd of July BBQ & Fireworks
Sun 7/3 Movie on the Beach - Jaws
Tue 7/5 $5.50 Movie Night - The Legend of Tarzan
July 5-9th Atlantic Highlands Fireman's Fair
7/5 to 8/23 Free Movies in Red Bank
7/6 to 8/31 Free Movies in Spring Lake
7/7, 7/21, 8/4,18 Keyport Thusdays
Tue 7/5 Seaside Heights Camping on the Beach
Thu 7/7 Free Outdoor Movie - Jaws
7/7,7/23,8/2 , 8/20 Movies by the Bay- Keyport
Fri 7/8 Tusk Concert Seaside Heights
Sat 7/9 Freehold Township Day
Sat 7/9 Beach Drum and Dance
Sat 7/9 Comedy Show @ Jackie Keelen's
Sat 7/9 Salsa Night Sizzle
Sun 7/10 Knights of Columbus Breakfast
Tue 7/12 Hall and Oats @ PNC
Fri 7/15 Plays in the Park - Sister Act
7/9 - 8/28 Belmar Movies on the Beach
Sun 7/10 Gypsy Live @ NJ State Fair
Wed 7/13 Sandcastle Contest
Thu 7/14 Keyport Summer Concert
July 16&17 Surf and Turf Festival
Sun 7/17 Walking and Talking - Union Beach
Sun 7/17 Egyptian Fire and Water Ceremony
Wed 7/20 Sandy Hook Concert - Soul Cruisers
Wed 7/20 Pizza and Drinks
Thu 7/21 Keyport Summer Concert
7/22- 8/26 Free Movies in Howell
Sat 7/23 Cafe Improv Variety Show
Sat 7/23 Asbury Park Blue's and Brews Festival
Sat 7/23 Sourland Music Festival
Thu 7/28 Keyport Summer Concert
7/27-29 Monmouth County Fair
July 29-31 Balloon Festival
Sat 7/30 Bayonne Renaissance Festival
Sat 7/30 Harry Potter Release Party
Thr 8/4 Gypsy, a Stevie Nicks Experience Middlesex Fair
Thu 8/4 Keyport Summer Concert
Sat 8/6 Hands of Change Picnic
Thu 8/18 Keyport Summer Concert
Sun 8/21 Taste of the Bayshore
Thu 8/25 Keyport Summer Concert
Sat 8/27 Surf Music Festival
Sat 8/27 Asbury Park Promenade of Mermaids
Sat 8/27 Cafe Improv Variety Show
Sat 8/27 Jersey Shore Jazz and Blues Festival
Thu 9/1 Keyport Summer Concert
Sat 9/17 Late Summer Flea Market
Sat 12/17 Seaside Heights Santacon

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But when I post about starting your own home based business , working for yourself 🙋🏼, wearing whatever you please , setting your own hours⏲-- around your family's schedule, with unlimited income potential , unlimited vacation and sick time and HUGE bonuses) many of you aren't sure about the opportunity.
Maybe you think the money isn't steady. Maybe you think we "sell" stuff instead of loving and sharing a product?
You have been watching me and maybe doubting yourself. YOU ARE WORTHY OF YOUR DREAMS AND WANTS!!⭐️
You see it has changed my life in so many ways. 😀
I'm truly hoping the 1 person who really needs this will reach out to me Today!
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Jersey Shore Fireworks Guide
2016 NJ Fireworks Guide
Fireworks in NJ
Fireworks Displays