Dear Friends,
Well April has snuck up on us already! I am happy though, am that much closer to being outside working in my yard. I want to try growing brussle sprouts this year, I recall my parents always did but I hate them but my son loves them so I want to grow them for him. I am just so so happy though that April is here even if it starts with April Fools day....did you get pranked? Did you do any good pranks?
With Love and in the Light, Cassie
Cassies Calendar New Jersey Singles Spiritual in NJ
PS check out the end of the newsletter for NJ Flea Markets
Good Articles:
Health Benefits of Bannanas
Recipe to Remove Toxins and Speed up Metabolism
Warning Signs from the Universe
Homemade Teeth Whitner
Upcoming Events:
3/31 to 4/2 NJ Horror Con & Film Festival
Sat 4/1 Steal Bingo and Gift Auction
Sat 4/1 Chili Cook off and Tasting
Sat 4/1 Spagetti Dinner
4/3 & 5 Say Yes to the Prom Dress
Tue 4/4 $5.60 Movie Night - The Boss Baby
4/7-9 Philadelphia Comic Con
Fri 4/7 Attract Birds and Butterflys
Sat 4/8 Blue DOT Special Sale!
Sat 4/8 Keansburg Easter Egg Hunt
Sat 4/8 Union Beach Easter Egg Hunt
Sat 4/8 Belmar Easter Egg Hunt
Sat 4/8 Old Bridge Eggstravanza
Sat 4/8 3-D Charity Shoot
Sat 4/8 Comedy Night in Rahway
Sun 4/9 Saint Mark's Bake Sale
Sun 4/9 Red Bank Street Fair
Sun 4/9 Easter Eggstravaganza
Fri 4/14 Arbor Day Tree Walk
Sat 4/15 Surf Fishing Clinic
Sat 4/15 Lobster Run
Fri 4/21 Family Night
Sat 4/22 Food Trucks and Flea Market
Sat 4/22 Park Clean Up Day
Sat 4/22 Car Show in Sea Brite
Sat 4/22 Step It Uo for Research Walk
Sat 4/22 Green Fair
Sat 4/22 Billion Bubble Party
Sun 4/23 NJ Cherry Blossom Festival
Sun 4/23 Guitars for Vets Showcase
Mon 4/24 Jersey Shore Biz Fest
Thu 4/27 Sandy Hook Stars and Satellites
Sat 4/29 Rocking through the Years
4/29-30 Cherry Blossom Festival
Tue 5/2 The Legacy of Hartshorne Woods
5/12-14 NJ Seafood Festival
Sat 5/13 Pirate Day
Sat 5/13 Plant Sale
Sat 5/13 Car Show for a Cure
Sat 5/13 NJ Paraunity Expo
5/19-21 Jersey Shore Festival
Sat 5/20 Paint the Town Pink Walk
Sat 5/29 Keyport Antiques and Artisan Festival
Sat 5/20 Bayshore Food Truck and Craft Beer Fest
Sat 5/20 Mary's Place by the Sea Walkathon
Sat 5/27 Pork Roll Festival
Sun 5/28 Keansuburg Memorial Day Parade
Sat 6/3 Landscape Photography Workshop
Sat 6/3 Keansburgh Spring Fling
Sat 6/3 Jeep Jam Keansburg
6/3-4 Keyport Garden Walk
Mon 6/5 Mermaid Monday
Sun 6/4 Polish Heritage Festival
Tue 6/13 Happy Together
6/14 to 8/16 Sandy Hook Beach Concerts
6/16-18 Tiny House Festival
Sat 6/24 Billion Bubbles Party
Sat 6/24 Margate Beachstock
Sat 6/24 Strawberry Festival
Sat 7/8 Drum and Dance Circle
Wed 7/10 Sandcastle Contest
Fri 7/21 City Hicks @ Keansuburg Beach
Sat 7/22 Foreigner and Cheap Trick
Sun 7/23 Chicago & Doobie Brothers
Aug 11 - 13 New World Consciousness Conference and Expo
Tue 8/22 United We Rock Tour
Sat 8/26 Promenade of Mermaids
Sat 9/16 Kruisin in Keansburg
10/5-8 NY Comic Con
10/7-8 Keansburg Centennial Celebration
Sat 10/14 Union Beach Day
Sun 10/29 All Hallows Eve

Are you interested in advertising for your event or business? Would you like to reach over 15,000 local peeps for as little as $35?
e-me for details at: I take pay pal!
Cassies Calendar New Jersey Singles Spiritual in NJ
PS check out the end of the newsletter for NJ Flea Markets
Good Articles:
Health Benefits of Bannanas
Recipe to Remove Toxins and Speed up Metabolism
Warning Signs from the Universe
Homemade Teeth Whitner
Upcoming Events:
3/31 to 4/2 NJ Horror Con & Film Festival
Sat 4/1 Steal Bingo and Gift Auction
Sat 4/1 Chili Cook off and Tasting
Sat 4/1 Spagetti Dinner
4/3 & 5 Say Yes to the Prom Dress
Tue 4/4 $5.60 Movie Night - The Boss Baby
4/7-9 Philadelphia Comic Con
Fri 4/7 Attract Birds and Butterflys
Sat 4/8 Blue DOT Special Sale!
Sat 4/8 Keansburg Easter Egg Hunt
Sat 4/8 Union Beach Easter Egg Hunt
Sat 4/8 Belmar Easter Egg Hunt
Sat 4/8 Old Bridge Eggstravanza
Sat 4/8 3-D Charity Shoot
Sat 4/8 Comedy Night in Rahway
Sun 4/9 Saint Mark's Bake Sale
Sun 4/9 Red Bank Street Fair
Sun 4/9 Easter Eggstravaganza
Fri 4/14 Arbor Day Tree Walk
Sat 4/15 Surf Fishing Clinic
Sat 4/15 Lobster Run
Fri 4/21 Family Night
Sat 4/22 Food Trucks and Flea Market
Sat 4/22 Park Clean Up Day
Sat 4/22 Car Show in Sea Brite
Sat 4/22 Step It Uo for Research Walk
Sat 4/22 Green Fair
Sat 4/22 Billion Bubble Party
Sun 4/23 NJ Cherry Blossom Festival
Sun 4/23 Guitars for Vets Showcase
Mon 4/24 Jersey Shore Biz Fest
Thu 4/27 Sandy Hook Stars and Satellites
Sat 4/29 Rocking through the Years
4/29-30 Cherry Blossom Festival
Tue 5/2 The Legacy of Hartshorne Woods
5/12-14 NJ Seafood Festival
Sat 5/13 Pirate Day
Sat 5/13 Plant Sale
Sat 5/13 Car Show for a Cure
Sat 5/13 NJ Paraunity Expo
5/19-21 Jersey Shore Festival
Sat 5/20 Paint the Town Pink Walk
Sat 5/29 Keyport Antiques and Artisan Festival
Sat 5/20 Bayshore Food Truck and Craft Beer Fest
Sat 5/20 Mary's Place by the Sea Walkathon
Sat 5/27 Pork Roll Festival
Sun 5/28 Keansuburg Memorial Day Parade
Sat 6/3 Landscape Photography Workshop
Sat 6/3 Keansburgh Spring Fling
Sat 6/3 Jeep Jam Keansburg
6/3-4 Keyport Garden Walk
Mon 6/5 Mermaid Monday
Sun 6/4 Polish Heritage Festival
Tue 6/13 Happy Together
6/14 to 8/16 Sandy Hook Beach Concerts
6/16-18 Tiny House Festival
Sat 6/24 Billion Bubbles Party
Sat 6/24 Margate Beachstock
Sat 6/24 Strawberry Festival
Sat 7/8 Drum and Dance Circle
Wed 7/10 Sandcastle Contest
Fri 7/21 City Hicks @ Keansuburg Beach
Sat 7/22 Foreigner and Cheap Trick
Sun 7/23 Chicago & Doobie Brothers
Aug 11 - 13 New World Consciousness Conference and Expo
Tue 8/22 United We Rock Tour
Sat 8/26 Promenade of Mermaids
Sat 9/16 Kruisin in Keansburg
10/5-8 NY Comic Con
10/7-8 Keansburg Centennial Celebration
Sat 10/14 Union Beach Day
Sun 10/29 All Hallows Eve

Are you interested in advertising for your event or business? Would you like to reach over 15,000 local peeps for as little as $35?
e-me for details at: I take pay pal!
check it out my spiritual adviser wrote a book! I highly recommend buying it