Dear Friend or Friend to be,
So how was everyone's week? Mine was very tiring, both physically and mentally as I had to travel to Ohio for my Dad's funeral and pack up his apartment. Jeremy me drove me there Friday and in 3 days I managed to arrange and attend the funeral and get the whole place packed and stuff given away and made arrangements for removal of all old stuff. Then I had to drive myself home on Tuesday as Jeremy was bringing my Dad's car. Thank god for my Plexus Edge I don't think I would have stayed awake otherwise. But I also got lots of help from my family, and for them I am very grateful. I know many of you will be attending holiday dinners with family now, take my advice.. appreciate them no matter what differences there may be for they will be gone from your life all too soon and all you will have left are the memories you are making NOW....
With Love and in the Light, Cassie
PS: Check out the end of this newsletter for The Best Holiday Train Rides in NJ
Good Articles:
How to Fight Anxiety with Food
Qigong moves for Your Health
How to Protect Yourself against Demonic Harrasment
Upcoming Events:
11/25-27 Hugs for Brady Holiday Light Show
Sat 11/26 Thrift Shop @ Saint Marks
Sat 11/26 Christine and the Band of Love @ Havana's
Sun 11/27 Holiday Craft Vendor Show
Tue 11/29 $5.50 Movie Night - Bad Santa 2
Dec 2-4 Drive Through The Christmas Story
Sat 12/3 Beach Grass Planting
Thur 12/8 Thur Night @ TGIF
Fri 12/9 Ugly Sweater Party
Sat 12/10 Breakfast with Santa
Sat 12/10 Go See Santa
Sat 12/10 Thrift Shop @ Saint Marks
Sat 12/10 Discount Comedy Night in AC
Sat 12/10 Christmas Boutique
Sat 12/10 Asbury Park Santa Run
Wed 12/14 Saint Mark's Sonic Fund Raiser
Sat 12/19 Toys for Tots Christmas Party
Sat 12/17 Seaside Heights Santacon
Sat 12/24 Thrift Shop @ Saint Marks
Sat 12/31 First Night Ocean County
Sat 12/31 Simple Groove Rocks New Years
Sat 1/8 Underworld and Chevy's Afterwards
Sat 1/28 The Sugar Hill Gang Live

Are you interested in advertising for your event or business? Would you like to reach over 15,000 local peeps for as little as $35?
e-me for details at: I take pay pal!