Dear Friend or Friend to be,
Woo hoo who's ready for summer to start? I know I sure am! I have my planting done now and can sit back and relax and enjoy my yard, take walks on my beach, and its time to get my bike out and start riding it too. I took a walk on the beach last weekend and got a great video of the Horseshoe crabs, they have fascinated me since I moved down here. You can see the video here: What do YOU like to do in the summer time?
With Love and in the Light, Cassie
PS I found a list of 191 summer festivals! check out the end of this newsletter for the list
Also my old housekeeper from when I lived in Flemington is coming to clean for me before my party as my regular gal had a family emergency last minute...if any one lives in Flemington/Whitehouse/Bridgewater/Bound Brook areas and wants someone reasonable that you can trust ask me for Debbie's number!
Good Articles:
Detox Through Your Feet
How the Elite Stay in Power
Yoga Poses to Reduce Belly Fat
Upcoming Events:
Fri 5/27 Fire Pit Party
May 27-29 Touch Mother Earth
Sat 5/28 Cafe Improv
May 28/29/20 Jersey Shore Food Truck Festival
May 28-29 Wise Kraken
Sun 5/29 Seaport Craft Festival
Sun 5/29 Keyport Memorial Day Parade
Tue 5/31 $10 dinner/$5.50 Movie Night Neighbors 2 - Sorrority Rising
6/1-5 Strawberry Festival
Sat 6/4 Keyport Garden Walk and Lunch
Fri 6/3 Late Night Drinks @ Big Shots
June 4&5 Keyport Garden Walk
Sat 6/4 Red Bank Riverfest
Mon 6/6 Shark Attack of 1916
Tue 6/7 Taco Tuesday @ Ivy Stone
6/9,16,23,30, 7/21, 8/4 Free Kayaking in Keyport
Sat 6/11 Keyport Townwide Garage Sale
Sat 6/11 Arts and Crafts Festival Seaside Heights
Sat 6/11 BBQ and Dance Party @ Hannan's Matawan
Sat 6/11 Beach Drumming @ Sandy Hook
Sat 6/11 Bad Company & Joe Walsh at PNC
Sun 6/12 Gypsy @ Rock to Adopt
Wed 6/15 Sandy Hook Concert - The Nerds
Sat 6/18 Ocean Grove Craft Show
Sat 6/18 Point Pleasant Jazz and Blues Festival
Sat 6/18 Gypsy, A Stevie Nicks Experience
Mon 6/20 Solstice in Times Square Yoga
Thr 6/23 Motor City Review Long Branch
Sat 6/25 South Amboy Citywide Yard Sale
Sat 6/25 Cafe Improv Variety Show
Jun 27- Jul 2 St Mary Fair
Sun 7/3 3rd of July BBQ & Fireworks
Sun 7/3 Movie on the Beach - Jaws
July 5-9th Atlantic Highlands Fireman's Fair
7/7, 21, 8/4,18 Keyport Thusdays
Tue 7/5 Seaside Heights Camping on the Beach
Fri 7/8 Tusk Concert Seaside Heights
Sat 7/9 Comedy Show @ Jackie Keelen's
Tue 7/12 Hall and Oats @ PNC
Fri 7/15 Plays in the Park - Sister Act
7/9 - 8/28 Belmar Movies on the Beach
Sun 7/10 Gypsy Live @ NJ State Fair
Wed 7/13 Sandcastle Contest
July 16&17 Surf and Turf Festival
Wed 7/20 Sandy Hook Concert - Soul Cruisers
Wed 7/20 Pizza and Drinks
Sat 7/23 Cafe Improv Variety Show
Sat 7/23 Asbury Park Blue's and Brews Festival
July 29-31 Balloon Festival
Sat 7/30 Harry Potter Release Party
Thr 8/4 Gypsy, a Stevie Nicks Experience Middlesex Fair
Sat 8/6 Hands of Change Picnic
Sun 8/21 Taste of the Bayshore
Sat 8/27 Surf Music Festival
Sat 8/27 Asbury Park Promenade of Mermaids
Sat 8/27 Cafe Improv Variety Show
Sat 8/27 Jersey Shore Jazz and Blues Festival
Sat 9/17 Late Summer Flea Market
Sat 12/17 Seaside Heights Santacon

Are you interested in advertising for your event or business? Would you like to reach over 15,000 local peeps for as little as $35?
e-me for details at: I take pay pal!

Call or Text Jeremy 908-303-7579 for scrap metal removal within 15 mile radius of Keyport (northern Monmouth county and Middlesex County)
I take all types of metal, also car batteries and electronics
FREE to minimal charge depending on what you need removed. If you can send pictures that would help determine estimate
Plexus Testimony:
From a wheelchair to THIS GUY! Wow! His wife is a pharmacist and reviewed these products with a fine toothed comb! This is simply amazing!
"My health declined over the years. I grew up on antibiotics, steroids, and pain meds. I have had horrible pain in my back and ankles since I was a child. I have been in and out of a wheelchair, cane, and braces at different times due to injuries, surgeries and pain. I have been partially paralyzed which is scary when you tell your toes to wiggle and just can't do it. I have been told we don't know if you will regain feeling. Over the last few years I have had a spinal Laminectomy, Discectomy, and Fusion. I also have had ankle surgery on both feet. With surgeries and Fibromyalgia pain it caused me to be in the wheelchair this last time for almost a year. I have Fibromyalgia which causes daily pain and fatigue and am possible Lupus. I dealt with muscle aches and spasms, Arthritis, nerve damage in my foot, elbow and back. I have IBS, Diverticulitis, Gout, Vertigo, high Blood Pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, low immune, Allergies, low testosterone, sleep apnea, and insomnia. I dealt with dizzy spells that would knock me to the ground. I had hot flashes and night sweats. I had brain fog, weight control, sugar cravings, frequent nausea, headaches, rash on neck and chest, acid reflux, and frequent chest pains. You get the point-I did not win the Genetic Lottery.
I was on about 20 medications and was taking 6 pain pills per day to get through the day.
I was on about 20 medications and was taking 6 pain pills per day to get through the day.
Since then I was able to come out of my wheel chair sooner than expected, I have come off ALL my medications, no more CPAP, blood levels are now normal, greatly reduced Fibromyalgia pain, no more brain fog, I have lost weight and over 50 inches,etc.
People often ask what products I take. I started with the Slim and Accelerator plus combo. Almost two months in I added the Bio Cleanse and the Probio5. I also added in the Xfactor at this time. Over the next few weeks I added in the Ease cream and pills along with the Nerve Health. I have recently added MegaX are wonderful plant based Omega product. I occasionally use the Plexus Cream for sunburn, skin issues, etc.
Plexus didn't give me my life back-PLEXUS GAVE ME A LIFE!!! I believe in Plexus so much that as of December 31st 2014, my family took a huge leap of faith and I quit my successful career making $65-80k per year plus awesome benefits to pursue a career with Plexus.
I want to leave you with a final thought:
WHAT IF PLEXUS WAS THE LAST THING YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS NEEDED? If you are an Ambassador, Why are you waiting to tell them about it? I would have done anything or paid anything to feel the way I do.
WHAT IF PLEXUS WAS THE LAST THING YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS NEEDED? If you are an Ambassador, Why are you waiting to tell them about it? I would have done anything or paid anything to feel the way I do.
Thank you again for the opportunity to share my story. I Pray my story can become other's story."
Order yours today!
Click for link:
NJ Summer Festivals