Dear Friend or Friend to be,
So how was everyone's week? Mine was pretty rough, I got a maleware or something on my facebook page and it caused me all sorts of issues. I am still working on that. Thank God for my good friend Josie and her son for helping me with this problem. Guess that was my April Fool's joke come early perhaps? LOL How about you any April Fools played on YOU or did you play any on anyone?
With Love and in the Light, Cassie
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How to Get Rid of Fire Ants Naturally
Upcoming Events:
Sat 4/2 Breakfast @ MeeMom's
Sat 4/2 Dance Party in Princeton w/Hustle Instruction
Sat 4/2 $5 Comedy @ The Taj Mahal
Tue 4/5 $5.50 Movie Night - Miracles From Heaven
Sat 4/9 Made in Monmouth
Sat 4/9 Made in Monmouth Show and Sale
Sun 4/10 Knights of Columbus Breakfast
Sun 4/10 Kites at the Pier
Sun 4/10 Schnitzelfest!
Sat 4/16 The Drivers
Tue 4/19 Teleseminar: Decoding "Friends w/Benefits"
April 23, 2016 Hazlet's town wide garage sale save the date.
Fri 4/22 BYOB Painting Party
Sat4/23 Arts & Crafts Spring Fling
Sun 4/24 BBQ @ Sandy Hook *
4/25-25 Easter Bonnet Competition
4/29 Late Night Drinks
April 29- May 1st NJ Sacred Friends Beltane Celebration*
Sat 4/30 Perennial Plant Swap
Sat 4/30 Beach Sweeps
Sat 5/7 Asbury Park Spring Bazzar
Sat 5/7 Beach Drumming at Sandy Hook
May 28/29/20 Jersey Shore Food Truck Festival
Sat 4/4 Keyport Garden Walk and Lunch
June 4&5 Keyport Garden Walk*
6/9,16,23,30, 7/21, 8/4 Free Kayaking in Keyport
Sat 6/11 Keyport Townwide Garage Sale
Sat 6/18 Ocean Grove Craft Show
Sat 6/18 Gypsy, A Stevie Nicks Experience
Sun 7/3 3rd of July BBQ & Fireworks
7/7, 21, 8/4,18 Keyport Thusdays
Fri 7/8 Tusk Concert Seaside Heights*
Sat 7/9 Belmar Movies on the Beach
7/9 - 8/28 Belmar Movies on the Beach
Sun 7/10 Gypsy Live @ NJ State Fair
Wed 7/13 Sandcastle Contest
July 29-31 Balloon Festival
Sat 8/27 Surf Music Festival
Sat 9/17 Late Summer Flea Market

e-me for details at: I take pay pal!
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